/* Recursively pads a space to one side of the passed "s"
"i" is the index - how many to add
"d" is the direction - if d is missing or not right, assumes left padding
could be redone to include being passed the padding character
original method:
function PadLeft(s,i){ return ( i>=1 ) ? (" "+s,i-1,d) :s; }
<script type="text/javascript">
function Pad(s,i,d){
return ( i>=1 )
? Pad(((d!=null && d.toLowerCase()=="r")?s+" ":" "+s),i-1,d)
/// <summary>Recursively populates the next-highest tag</summary>
private tag nextTag(string textBlock, int depth)
int startIndex = textBlock.IndexOf('>');
tag newTag = new tag(textBlock.Substring(1, startIndex-1), depth);
int endIndex = textBlock.IndexOf("</" + newTag.name + ">");
bool haveEmptyTag = endIndex == startIndex + 1;
List<string> contents = new List<string>();
List<tag> tagChildren = new List<tag>();
string stringFormat = "";
if ( haveEmptyTag ) { return newTag; }
string remainingInternals = textBlock.Substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1);
int firstThan = -2;
int lastThan = -2;
int nextThan = -2;
int afterEndThan = -2;
bool haveContentOrTags = false;
bool haveContent = false;
bool haveTag = false;
string nameAttr = "";
string tagName = "";
string tagEnd = "";
string tagBlock = "";
string content = "";
haveContentOrTags = remainingInternals.Length > 0;
while (haveContentOrTags)
firstThan = remainingInternals.IndexOf("<");
lastThan = remainingInternals.IndexOf(">");
nextThan = lastThan + 1;
haveTag = firstThan > -1;
haveContent = (!haveTag || (haveTag && firstThan>0));
if (haveContent)
if (lastThan > -1)
nextThan = remainingInternals.Substring(lastThan).IndexOf('<') + lastThan;
content = (!haveTag)
? remainingInternals
: remainingInternals.Substring(lastThan + 1, nextThan - lastThan - 1);
if (content.Length > 0)
stringFormat += "c" + contents.Count;
remainingInternals = remainingInternals.Substring(content.Length);
// continuing so we look for a tag
// note: remainingInternals, at this point, should start with a ">"
if (haveTag && remainingInternals.Length > 0)
lastThan = remainingInternals.IndexOf(">");
nameAttr = remainingInternals.Substring(1, lastThan - 1);
tagName = nameAttr;
if (tagName.IndexOf(" ") > -1) { tagName = tagName.Substring(0, tagName.IndexOf(" ")); }
tagEnd = "</" + tagName + ">";
afterEndThan = remainingInternals.IndexOf(tagEnd) + tagEnd.Length;
tagBlock = remainingInternals.Substring(0, afterEndThan);
tagChildren.Add(nextTag(tagBlock, depth+1));
stringFormat += "t" + tagChildren.Count;
remainingInternals = remainingInternals.Substring(tagBlock.Length);
haveContentOrTags = remainingInternals.Length > 0;
newTag.contents = contents;
newTag.tagChildren = tagChildren;
newTag.stringFormat = stringFormat;
return newTag;
public class tag
public string name;
public string id;
public tagType type;
public Dictionary<String, String> attributes;
public List<string> contents;
public List<tag> tagChildren;
public string stringFormat;
public string content;
public int depth;
public tag() { }
public tag( string initialtag )
type = (initialtag.IndexOf("/")>=0) ? tagType.close : tagType.open;
depth = 0;
PopulateAttributes(initialtag.Replace("/", ""));
public tag(string initialtag, int d)
type = (initialtag.IndexOf("/") >= 0) ? tagType.close : tagType.open;
depth = d;
PopulateAttributes(initialtag.Replace("/", ""));
private void instantiateParameters()
attributes = new Dictionary<String, String>();
contents = new List<string>();
stringFormat = "";
tagChildren = new List<tag>();
private void PopulateAttributes(string tagItem)
int firstSpace = tagItem.IndexOf(" ");
bool haveAttributes = firstSpace > -1;
string name = tagItem;
string[] potAttr;
string key;
string value;
if( haveAttributes )
name = tagItem.Substring(0, firstSpace);
potAttr = tagItem.Substring(firstSpace).Split(' ');
foreach( string attr in potAttr)
if (attr != "")
key = attr.Split('=')[0];
value = attr.Split('=')[1];
attributes.Add(key, value);
this.name = name;
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